What would you do…if you want to have sex with your sleeping wife but she spurns your advances—and you have alcoholic biochemistry (TAR Lite # 39)
Would you:
1. Give up, go to bed and hope for a romp another night?
2. Go to sleep and hope for a waker-upper?
3. Take care of things yourself?
4. Set fire to your wife’s clothes in a bedroom closet—after she’s fallen back asleep?
Congratulations if you selected # 4, which is what Gilberto Garcia, 36, did. After an evening of drinking and bickering, his wife went to bed. He later woke her and made advances, which she spurned. She went back to sleep; the smoke from a fire Garcia set in her closet woke her back up. Luckily, she—and their three children—were uninjured. He faces up to 50 years on charges of arson. If family, friends and the law had done more—if they even tried—to coerce abstinence long ago, Garcia wouldn’t be facing life in the pokey and his children wouldn’t be at risk of living without their father while growing up. Since the average age at which one triggers alcoholism is 13, there were likely more than two decades of opportunities—dozens if not hundreds of instances for which close people or the law could have intervened, but didn’t. Early diagnosis and intervention might have prevented this near-tragedy.
Click here for the source of the story!